奧式體鋼 austenitic steel
八角鋼材 octagon bar
白云石 dolomite
板坯連鑄機 slab casting machine
半封閉型電爐 semi-closed type EAF
保護渣 slag powder
補爐機 fettling machine
不銹鋼 stainless steel
敞開固定型電爐 open stationary type EAF
敞開回轉型電爐 open rotating type EAF
敞開斜動型電爐 open tilting type EAF
_低頭方坯連鑄機 extra low head caster(ELH)for bloom,
super low head caster ( SLH )
_高功率電爐 UHP electrical furnace
車屑 chip
車鑄 bogie (buggy,car) casting
稱量 weighing
出鋼 tapping
出鐵盤 tapping pan
出渣 slagging
除渣器 deslagger
儲槽 storage bunker
吹氧轉爐 basic oxygen furnace
帶卷 strip coil
帶型連鑄機 belt type CCM
單爐澆鑄 batch cast
搗固料 ramming compound
搗糊 pound to paste
搗爐機 stoking machine
底吹氧氣轉爐 bottom bloom oxygen converter
底注, 下注 uphill casting, uphill teeming
底電_ bottom electrode
地下料倉 underground bunker
電_ electrode
電_壓放 slip, slipping
電_接長系統 electrode jointing system
電_把持器 electrode holder
電_柱 electrode mast
電_糊 electrode paste
電_套殼 electrode casing
電_壓放裝置 electrode slipping device
電爐 electrical arc-furnace (EAF)
電爐鋼 electric arc furnace (EAF) steel
頂吹氧氣轉爐 top bloom oxygen converter
頂底復合吹轉爐 top and bottom com bined blown
多流連鑄機 multi-strand CCM
多爐連鑄 continuous continuous casting
二次精煉 secondary refining
礬土, 氧化鋁 alumina
方坯連鑄機 billet cast machine
非鐵合金 non ferro-alloy
廢鋼 scrap
廢鋼跨 scrap bay
廢鐵 iron scrap
沸騰鋼 unkilled steel
分類料倉 classification bin
封閉固定型電爐 closed stationary type EAF
封閉回轉型電爐 closed rotating type EAF
付槍, 付氧槍 sublance
負偏差 negative deviation
富氧鼓風 oxygen-enriched blowing
鋼包, 盛鋼桶 ladle
鋼包加熱爐 ladle heating furnace
鋼包旋轉臺 turret, ladle turnable
鋼錠 ingot
鋼錠模 ingot mould
鋼筋 reinforcing bar, rebar
鋼坯清理間 billet conditioning yard
鋼種 kinds of steel
高位料倉 overhead bunker
高壓爐頂 high pressure top
鉻鐵 ferro-chromium
給料 feeding
工具鋼 tool steel
工業純鐵 armco-iron
鼓肚 bulging
固定碳 fix carbon content
硅錳合金 silicon manganese alloy
硅鐵 ferro-silicon
合金鋼 alloy steel
化學成份 chemical composition
弧型連鑄機 bow type CCM
滑動水口 slide gate
還原劑 reductant
混料 mixed material
混鐵爐 mixer
火焰切割機 torch cutting machine
火焰清理 flame deseaming, hot scarfing
夾雜物 impurity
加料管 charging chute
堿性渣 basic slag
結構鋼 structural steel
結晶器 mould, crystalliser
焦比 specific coke rate
焦炭 coke
交流電弧爐 AC electrical arc furnace
澆鑄吊車 casting crane
澆鑄機 casting machine
澆鑄坑 casting pit
澆鑄平臺 casting platform
澆鑄周期 casting cycle
澆注 casting
澆注 teeming
澆注底板 pouring bottom plate
金屬硅 silicon metal
浸入式水口 submerged nozzle
開澆 cast-on
開鐵口機 open hole machine
可澆注性 castability
可逆皮帶運輸機 reverse belt conveyer
坑鑄 pit-casting
孔型設計 groove design
礦石 mineral
拉矯機 straightening and withdrawal
拉坯機 withdrawal device
冷軋帶卷 cold-rolled coil
冷軋鋼 cold-rolled steel
立彎型連鑄機 vertical type CCM, straight mould
bent run-out plant
粒度 grain size
連鑄 continuous casting
連鑄機 continuous casting machine- CCM
溜槽,溜管 chute
硫印 sulphur print
六角鋼材 hexahedral bar
爐壁結瘤 wall accretion
爐襯 furnace lining
爐頂料倉 top bin
爐蓋 furnace cover
爐缸結瘤 hearth accretion
爐齡 campaign
爐體 furnace body
爐子跨 furnace bay
漏鋼 breakout
鋁塊 aluminium block
馬式體鋼 Martensitic steel
埋弧電爐 submerged electric furnace
煤粉 pulverized coal
錳鐵 ferro-manganese
磨煤機 coal pulverizer
模鑄 mold casting
木材 timber
木片 wood chip
鎳鐵 ferro-nickel
噴煤 coal injection
偏差 deviation
平爐 open hearth furnace(OHF)
平爐鋼 open hearth furnace (OHF) steel
破碎 crush
全連鑄 sequence casting
熱軋帶卷 hot-rolled coil
熱軋鋼 hot-rolled steel
熔劑 flux
塞棒 stopper rod
篩分 screen
篩分機 screen
燒結錳礦 sintered manganese ore
滲碳 carbon penetration
生鐵 pig iron
石灰石 lime stone
石英 quartz
石墨電_ graphitized electrode
豎爐, 豎式電爐 shaft electrical arc furnace
酸性渣 acidic slag
雙殼電爐 twin-shell electrical arc furnace
順行 smooth working
四流連鑄機 four-strand CCM
碳化鈣 calcium carbide
碳素鋼 carbon steel
碳素電_ carbon electrode
炭磚 charcoal brick
特殊鋼 special steel
銅瓦 copper content element
添加劑 additive
鐵合金 ferro-alloy
脫錠機, 脫模機 ingot stripper
脫磷 dephosphorise
脫硫 desulphurise
脫氣 degassing
脫氣劑 degassing agent
脫碳 decarburization
脫氧 deoxidising
脫引錠桿裝置 dummy bar disconnection device
彎曲輥 bending roll
彎曲應力 bending stress
彎曲裝置 bending device
無煙煤,白煤 bituminite
下降煙罩操作法 declined hood operation process
休風率 downtime ratio
懸掛支架 suspension frame
旋轉澆鑄臺 rotating casting table
壓下率 screw-down rate
氬氧脫碳 argon-oxygen decarburization ACD
氧槍 oxygen lance
冶煉設備 melting equipment
冶煉周期 tap-to-tap cycle
一爐鋼 one heat steel
乙炔切割 acetylene cutting
異型鋼材 shapped bar
引錠桿 dummy bar
引錠桿架 dummy bar tilter
引錠桿坑 dummy bar pit
引錠桿頭 dummy bar head
螢石 fluorite
有效容積 effective volume
魚尾板 splice bar
原料 raw material
原料跨 raw material bay
增碳 carburize
渣罐 cinder pot
渣鐵比 slag rate
軋輥孔型設計 roll pass design
軋屑 mill scale
軋制道次 pass
軋制周期 rolling cycle
真空電弧精煉 vacuum arc refining VAR
真空脫氣 vacuum arc degassing VAD
振動管運輸機 vibrating pipe conveyer
正偏差 positive deviation
支架輥 back-up roll, supporting roll
直流電弧爐 DC electrical arc furnace
中間罐 tundish
中間料倉 intermediate bin
中心鑄管, 塞棒袖磚 central pouring pipe, sleeve brick
珠光體鋼 pearlite steel
鑄模 casting mould
鑄坯導輥 strand guide roller
轉爐鋼 basic oxygen converter steel,
basic oxygen furnace (BOF) steel
自耗電_ consumable electrode
自焙電_ self-baked electrode
綜合冶煉強度 comprehensive rate of driving
足輥 foot roll
鉆孔機 driller